Monday, May 18, 2009

New destination for the Intellectuals Circle....

On it's ongoing tour of the MIT campus, the Intellectuals Circle can now be viewed in the lobby of Bldg. 32, Stata Center. It is being displayed in the main entrance, TSMC Lobby at the corner of Main and Vassar in Cambridge, MA. It will be on display from May 18th thru June 8th, 2009
The public is welcome and encouraged to sit and engage in conversation with friends, colleagues or newly found acquaintances.

Opening Night April 2, 2009

Opening night under the vaulted atrium of MIT's Brain and Cognitive Sciences Center was a great success. A very diverse group of participants, students professors, scientists and furniture art enthusiasts sat and discussed hot topic issues of the week. Volleys of short discussions ranging from the study of brown fat burning cells in mice and infants, to whether or not Jason Bay could truly replace Manny in the Red Sox line up. A solid three hours of varied critical discourse was had by all.